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Mystic Dreamer Tarot

I. The Magician

The Magician, with one hand raised to the heavens and one extended toward the earth, is a card of making dreams a reality. Before her are a pentacle, a chalice, a wand, and a sword, representing the four elements and the four suits of the Minor Arcana. These symbols bring to mind the aces of each suit, which contain both the energy of the suit and a window of opportunity to use that energy. They also show the creative process. The wand, or fire, is the creative spark, the initial concept of an idea, and the will to make it happen. The cup, or water, is the beginning of the dream or vision for the idea. The sword, or air, is the plan for the idea. The pentacle, or earth, is the idea becoming real. The Magician manages all this so effortlessly it does appear as magic.

This card indicates that it is time to focus on your goals, applying your determination and skill to achieve those goals. Everything you need is available and you have the ability necessary. Move forward with confidence because this card suggests success in your endeavors. This is a magical moment filled with potential just waiting to be realized.

If reversed, this card warns of potential deception. Beware of someone promising more than he can deliver. The Magician can also be a charlatan. Be careful, too, of tricking yourself. You may be convinced that your plan is good, but you might be missing a needed element or your plan may have unanticipated consequences.

Use your intuition

  • Of the four elements, the wand is the largest and appears most active (it is glowing). Also, there are two candles, which also represent fire. What do these symbols say about the importance of will in achieving a goal?
  • What does the white robe signify?
  • Are the ravens in the background taking her wishes to heaven or bringing her inspiration or something else altogether?

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